10 stars just because you made me laugh so hard xD
I've never heard a "happy" dubstep song before. I'm hoping this was made in a major key?o.o But uh, yeah, this reminded me of the original SNES games, but Donkey Kong more than anything xD Idk why,m but I could see DK swinging or exploding out of a barrel.
Now for the review- DUN DUN DUNNNNN.(;
The bass could come in sooner and add a drop. Drop about 3/5 through the song. You can add a demi-drop anywhere between 30-45 seconds. Optional. See, the thing is that you have a lot going on, and some of the sounds don't mix well with each other. You also just rush everything at the end- it ends abruptly. You could fade it out or mix it down to just a piano, or end on a drop.
The sounds don't mix well, such as the xylophone like one and the saw? Drums are decent, bass could be turned up, but for a first try, pretty decent bass. Interesting melody, but don't have the melody continue through the bass. Take a look at xKore for some great examples. It just gets really crazy with all the different synths and leads -.- I mean, you've got some great composing skills, just learn to identify which sounds will work.
I think I've written a good review, but my mind is still half-asleep, so don't kill me x,x
10/10(cuz I laughed my ass off)